بوڪ لفٽ

is a main product in aerial work industry which include towable boom lift,self propelled articulated boom lift and telescopic self propelled boom lift.Daxlifter's China towable boom lift has wide usage: Suitable Long Distance Working: more conveniently towed by car anywhere for working Scissor lift ، خود پروٽيل بوم لفٽ، ايلومينيم لفٽ ۽ ٻيا فضائي ڪم پليٽ فارم سڀني کي هڪ جڳهه کان ٻئي هنڌ منتقل ڪرڻ جي ضرورت آهي. Wide working range: different with scissor lift,aluminum lift and other vetical lift, towable boom lift can not only work at vertical direction but also can reach horizontal distance from 5.2m to 9.5m.

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